The computer said it was one degree in Ceduna when we woke to the alarm this morning at 5.30am. Collis would not believe it but he immediately put the heater on in the van. I jumped into the shower to warm up before starting to pack the car once again. Just as I got out of the shower the lights went out. They went out through the whole town. Lucky Collis had boiled the kettle once while I was in the shower so at least
we had a hot drink before we left.

Just as we arrived at the caravan park the electricity came back on so we were able to boil the water for the morning tea. It originally looked like we would have to get the generator out at morning tea and boil drinks individually.
Morning tea and lunch went off well but poor Paul has received some very sad news that his mother Winnie has passed away today. He is not sure what his plans will be at this stage but all our thoughts are with him at such a sad time.
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