Crossed over into Victoria early today- back where it all began! The weather changed slightly with the sun shining at morning tea. We had morning tea at Dartmore and we were delighted by the tree 'chain saw' carvings.
There were carvings commemorating the Great War and further down into town in the children's park they had a nursery rhyme tree with every nursery rhyme you could think of plus on the boundary fence was all the Australian animals local to that area. It was fantastic.

Lunch was at a roadhouse in Heyward. We had been contacted by a fan on Facebook, Meredith who wanted to try and catch up with us on the road. We gave her a destination and an approximate time but we arrived an hour earlier than expected and I didn't have a contact number for her so I was a little worried that we may miss her. Meredith came early just in case this happened and she was able to catch up with a few of the riders. Lovely lady who is following us on Facebook and my blog and would love to be part of it. She kindly gave a donation for TADVIC as well. It was great to meet her.
This was the lead in for our last rest day so quite a few of us got cabins again. The weather has been changeable all day but no one had to ride in the rain.
The winds over the last 30 kms were difficult for everyone and they were all pretty tired once they arrived. The facilities at the park are top notch and has a pleasant manager who was very helpful.
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