The group left in dribs and drabs today with Pat & Lorraine going off first around 6.45 am and Woody and Georg the last 2 around 8.30 am. Quite spread out but who knows, it may work out. We had a big day (the biggest this trip) with the terrain undulating, with more ups than downs. The group, including the new riders appear quite relaxed about the distance even though 3 of them have never done this distance before.
The scenery was pretty much all salt bush with some beautiful salmon gums along the way. We passed alot of dead trees with an abundance of new growth at their bases and it was difficult trying to guess what had killed the bigger trees in the first place, if it was a fire then it must have been quite a few years ago as none of the trees were black in any way. Some of the trees had some unusual adornments, one had miners helmets hanging from it, another had old jugs(kettles) and mugs and another had soft toys- interesting.
At morning tea we found that Kirsten's mirror had broken off this morning and then Jim noticed his had dropped off as well so we are 2 mirrors down- not good. We have one spare one but they will have to make sure they are riding with someone with a mirror until they can get a replacement.
Woody didn't get into afternoon tea until 4 pm and it will be pretty late before he gets into camp. He had broken another spoke, making this number 5 for the trip and 23 punctures with another one of them last night. He and Collis fixed the spoke and he is on his way again. He eventually gets into camp around 6 pm just as Collis and I were going out to look for him. He looked very tired but he was happy to be sharing a cabin with Ben tonight.
The wind today hasn't always been favorable for them but at least it hasn't been strong and at times it was behind them. There is water (quite a bit) in Lake Cowan which was pleasant to see. A top secret wide load went past late in the day with whatever was on the trucks were wrapped totally in white plastic.
Personal best distances for Paul, Richard and Kirsten today with 183.5 kms. Well done guys and well done to everyone else also.
Poor chris got a shock tonight as she walked into the ladies shower and went to grab a shower booth, only to be confronted by a very hairy bottom. Her immediate thought was, as a nurse she had never seen a women's bottom quite so hairy before. Mark had gone into the wrong showers, left his clothes on a bench away from the water line outside his booth and did not lock the door to the shower. Kirsten, who has known him for awhile had to get his undies for him before he could sheepishly make his way out of the showers.
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